Housatonic Heritage Walk with OLLI, History of Indian Town, Stockbridge, MA, this Saturday, Sept. 21 10 AM – 12 NOON and 1 PM – 3 PM
Indian Town was chartered in 1737 as a mission to the Mohican tribe to teach them English, about Christianity and about English agricultural practices. Recently, the Stockbridge-Munsee community in Wisconsin worked with Housatonic Heritage and other local partners to create a tour of the most important Mohican sites along the main street of Stockbridge. Trained by one of the creators of the walking tour, OLLI members will lead participants along Main Street to learn about the Mohicans, who lived in what is now Stockbridge for thousands of years, and aspects of their culture which are still present today. Stops include the Carriage Barn at the Mission House, the burial grounds and the site of the 2021 archeological dig for the Mohican meeting house. 1.5 hours–1.5 miles
To register by email – https://berkshireolli.org/event-5751634 or phone 413-236-2190 M-F 9 am – 4 pm
Park and meet in the Stockbridge town offices parking lot at 50 Main St.
Here is a link to the tour created with the Stockbridge-Munsee Community and Housatonic Heritage.
Housatonic Heritage organizes dozens of Heritage Walks during September and October. Take a look here: