Berkshire Roadhouses Podcast

This is an ongoing project that started with the work of a curious resident of Becket, Mass., Mark Rosenman, and has turned into a collection of stories that he will present in a podcast.  We will keep you posted!  He started this project with the assistance of Bob Shepherd, audio expert who has helped us many times.

And Mark has also started a Shared Interest Group (SIG) at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

Now, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Berkshire Community College is hosting a  Shared Interest Group (SIG) open house.

One of those SIGs featured is the one started by Mark.

History of Music in The Berkshires – The Road House EraUncover the rich history of music in the Berkshires, particularly the Road House era.  The goal of this SIG is to bring this colorful history to life and create a podcast that documents it.

OLLI members are eligible to join one or more of their shared interest groups for free. Non members are invited to attend this open house, online, Wednesday, November 15 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern for an online introduction to their current shared interest groups.