Story Corps 2016 visit interviews


Years ago, StoryCorps visited Great Barrington, Mass, and we collaborated with them to set up a day long interview schedule at Berkshire Community College South County Center.  Neighbors came with neighbors, colleagues with co-workers and mentors, elders with their children.

The interviews were not available to us, but eventually, Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, the host of an event with David Isay, StoryCorps founder, and cosponsor of this interview schedule, was able to find them for us.

We have the interview files on a hard drive and in secondary storage.  We would like to send the interviews to the interviewers and narrators.  We also would like to determine whether these interviewers and interviewees want to see the interviews cared for by the Digital Commonwealth, a public archive that also puts the interviews online and makes them available to the listeners.

If you were an interviewer or an interviewee (narrator) that day, please reach out to us and we will send you a copy and ask that you help us find the other  half of that interview.  We will ask you about state Digital Commonwealth archiving, too. 




Written by Judith