Story Circle Logistics

At the end of our first story circle about story circles, in February,  participants wanted to talk about logistics.  We agreed that our next session would be devoted to this:  The logistics of story circles.  Friday, March 10, 12-1, via zoom.

We will talk about workflow, including setting up the room, in person or virtual, and recording.  I will ask videographer Erica Spizz, Operations Manager for Community Television of the Southern Berkshires (CTSB), to share some tips on recording, and we will have a chance to ask her questions.

Members of the group may have their own experiences to share. This is an informal session. After we hear from Erica, we will talk about our own experiences and concerns. In story circle fashion.  Participation is limited in number, and pre-registration is required.

For information or to register, send an email to:



Written by Judith